Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plainfield’

Repair Your Air Conditioning System Before It’s Too Late!

Monday, September 25th, 2017

AC-outdoor-unit-toolsWe all have the urge to procrastinate every now and again. But that rarely ever gets us the results we need. Waiting too long to repair your air conditioning system is no exception. As the warmer weather comes to a close, you need your air conditioner less and less, so it may not seem like such a big deal when you find it needs repair.

However, you owe it to yourself and your wallet to get that problem under control. Find out why the end of the season is a great time to repair your air conditioner, and what can go wrong if you wait, in the guide below. Call our air conditioning experts any time to get the repairs you need today!

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Is Your Air Conditioner Really Cleaning the Air?

Monday, June 19th, 2017

germs-black-background-blueYou probably already know that your air conditioning system has a filter. And many people assume that the filter in their air conditioning system is doing an adequate job of filtering out allergens and other pollutants and keeping the air clean. But were you aware this is not the filter’s primary job?

As it is set up now, your air conditioner may not really be cleaning the air. Luckily, there are many solutions to poor indoor air quality, and we’ll give you some information here. For the best indoor air quality advice and customized systems just for your home, call your local AC technicians. Contact our team for AC service in Plainfield, IL!

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6 Ways to Improve Heating Efficiency

Monday, March 13th, 2017

lose-money-heatSaving money isn’t always easy when temperatures drop and you need your heating system to run almost all the time. Heating systems take up a large portion of our energy and fuel expenses, sometimes accounting for the highest amount of energy use when the weather is chilly. And you know that it’s not practical to simply shut your system off.

Improve heating efficiency with these 6 tips from our expert technicians. Call a professional technician to schedule service for your furnace in Plainfield, IL.

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Sign Up for a Maintenance Agreement in the New Year

Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

Ready to start saving money in the new year? It’s time to make some major changes in your life, especially if you want to cut back on your energy bills and start saving big. Signing up for a maintenance program with a local HVAC (heating and air conditioning company) is a great place to start. The right HVAC company can enter you into a heating and AC maintenance agreement that helps you save on the systems that tend to use the most energy.

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Call a Commercial Service Specialist to Check on Your Heating

Monday, November 28th, 2016

Owning or managing a commercial property takes a lot of work. You may have hired someone to be on-site to maintain little things around the building as they go bad. But unless you call commercial heating specialists to work on your heating equipment this year, you cannot be sure that your property is safe from a potential heating system breakdown or even a safety hazard.

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Did You Know: A Ductless System Has AC AND Heating in One

Monday, October 10th, 2016

If you don’t have ductwork in areas of your home, your options may seem a little limited when it comes to the type of home heating and AC systems you can have. Portable heaters and AC units don’t really do the trick if you want to stay comfortable for a reasonable price. But renovating all or part of your home to squeeze in some ducts may not seem like a great option either, especially when you think of how much time that will take.

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3 Benefits of Tuning Up Your Furnace Before It Gets Cold

Monday, September 5th, 2016

You’re probably not thinking about the way your heater works just yet. But the sooner you seek service for this appliance that will be running at full force in just a short period of time, the better it will work when you need it.

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