The day has arrived. Your old water heater is done, unsalvageable, and ready for retirement. It’s toast. Now you need to get a new one! But how can you tell for sure? Would it be possible to just have the old one repaired? Here are the sure signs that your water heater has reached the end of its life and must be replaced, plus some pointers for your new water heater install in Plainfield, IL.
Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plainfield’
It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater!
Monday, February 17th, 2025Does My Radiant System Need Repair?
Monday, January 6th, 2025Radiant heating systems are fantastic. They offer top-notch comfort with supremely even heating throughout a home. They’re remarkably long-lasting compared to other systems. And they’re also less likely to require repair! On occasion, repairs to a radiant heating system are necessary. How can you tell? Here are the signs to watch for. If you spot any of these, get prompt repair. When you need radiant heat service in Plainfield, IL, we’re ready to help.
Do Air Purifiers Need Maintenance or Repairs?
Monday, November 25th, 2024Air purifiers are amazing to have in your home, especially during the season when you’re most likely to spend long stretches indoors, with the windows closed, exposed to the germs your family members bring home. But getting an air purifier and having it installed won’t guarantee clean air that lasts forever.
What kind of upkeep do air purifiers need? How can you tell when there’s a problem? Here are some tips about air purifier maintenance and repairs, so you’ll know what you need to do and when to do it. Always rely on our professionals for air purification service in Plainfield, IL.
Heat Pump & AC Repair: What’s the Difference?
Monday, October 14th, 2024If you’ve got a heat pump, you probably already know that there are a lot more similarities than differences between heat pumps and air conditioners. But what exactly are the differences? And do they affect the needs the heat pump has? What should you know about heat pump maintenance and heat pump repair in Plainfield, IL? How does that differ from an air conditioner’s needs? We’ve got the answers for you.
Is There Ice on Your Air Conditioner?
Monday, August 19th, 2024Air conditioners make a lot of things. First and foremost—the reason you have an air conditioner—they make cold air. They make some noise. It shouldn’t be anything alarming or sudden, but ACs certainly aren’t silent. They also make some moisture, as the humidity in the air condenses against the cold evaporator coils like droplets on a cold soda can.
One thing your air conditioner definitely should not make is ice. Yes, you do want the system to create coldness. But ice can actually have the opposite effect! Does that seem a little bizarre? We’ll explain exactly what we mean, why ice on your air conditioner is a bad sign, and what to do about it.
Get Ready for Your AC Installation
Monday, July 8th, 2024Whether you’re getting a new air conditioner because the old one failed completely, or just because it was getting inefficient and not doing a fantastic job anymore, you’ll surely be thrilled with your new system. Air conditioners today are more efficient and effective than they ever were before! But before you can kick back and enjoy that cold air, you’ve got to get the system installed.
How long has it been since you’ve had an air conditioner installation appointment? Have you ever done this before, or was your current system already in your home when you purchased it? Have you got some questions we could answer for you? We can tell you all about what to expect during your AC installation in Plainfield, IL, and how to get ready so it will go extra smoothly.
The Many Benefits of AC Maintenance
Monday, May 27th, 2024Your air conditioner is a complex and delicate piece of equipment. It has many components, each doing separate and critical jobs that come together to create the cool air that you require in your home during the summer. And those components work hard for months, and then sit unused and gathering dust for months before being asked to start working hard again.
Your air conditioner requires maintenance! It deserves some pampering and preparation for this summer’s demand for cooling. What exactly does AC maintenance accomplish? What are the benefits? We’re so glad you asked! We’ll tell you all about it.
These Furnace Repairs Shouldn’t Wait
Monday, April 1st, 2024In general, we always advise against postponing heating repairs. If something is going wrong with your furnace, continuing to run it while it struggles can worsen the problem. In addition, a struggling heating system will use more energy in order to keep trying to get the job done. This means postponing repairs will drive your utility bills up.
But it’s just about springtime! Surely if there was any time to put off heating repair, it would be now. You’re almost done running the heat. Can’t your furnace repairs wait until fall? Certain heating problems are bigger concerns than others. Here’s what you should never delay repairing.
A Heating Repair Guide for Newer Homeowners
Monday, February 19th, 2024Homeownership can be unexpectedly challenging. When you were frantically sorting out down payments and closing costs and inspections and moving trucks, you probably imagined that once the house was officially yours and you were moved in, you would be able to relax. You could breathe a sigh of relief and simply settle in.
While everyone was busy congratulating you on owning a home, did they bother to warn you about any of the things you should expect? Did they tell you about routine maintenance, or did they give you a fruit basket and go on their merry way? We’ll give you clear instructions on caring for your home’s heating system, so you won’t have to wonder, guess, or simply wait until something breaks down.
Why a Cracked Heat Exchanger Repair Can’t Wait
Monday, January 8th, 2024Your gas furnace has a lot of different components. Some have purposes related to functionality: they help with the generation of heat. Some have purposes related to safety: they prevent things from going dangerously wrong. Your heat exchanger does both. It is critical to the function of the furnace, and it is also critical to your safety.
Sometimes, people postpone having furnace repairs done. If their home just isn’t getting quite toasty enough, or the heat doesn’t seem like it’s evenly distributed, they might feel like it’s not an urgent enough concern to address immediately. If you suspect that your heat exchanger is cracked, you absolutely must get it repaired right away. Here’s what you need to know.