Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lockport’

Let’s Calculate: Is It Time for a New Heater?

Monday, February 8th, 2021

man-yellow-sweater-thinkingYou’ve made it this far through a frigid Lockport winter. That’s something to celebrate! You have to count your little wins.

Although making it this far is great, you need to consider the rest of the winter that we have ahead of us. If you’re starting to see the writing on the wall with your heater, you should be honest with yourself. Your heater can’t always last. Our winters would put any heater to the test. If you notice that yours is already starting to waver underneath the pressure, then it might be time for you to consider a replacement. “Replacement” can become a dreaded word to homeowners because of past experiences. We’re here to set the record straight. Trust us with your HVAC in Lockport, IL.

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These Two Simple Steps Will Save You Money on Cooling This Summer

Monday, June 4th, 2018

thermostat-controlLet’s face it—it’s tricky to maintain a balance of saving money with your air conditioner without letting your home turn into an oven. Running your AC less often is the quickest way to cut down on high electrical costs over the summer. But running your AC less is also the quickest way to have your family turn on you and start warring over the thermostat.

There are plenty of ways you can cut down on your cooling costs this summer with your air conditioner in Lockport, IL. We want to focus on two basic ones—and they’re both connected to the thermostat. They’re easy steps: the first one is something you can do yourself without much effort, and the second one only requires calling our office to make an appointment.

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4 Ways You May Be Overworking Your Furnace

Monday, February 26th, 2018

furnace-technician-serviceYou need central heating in Lockport, IL—there’s no way around it. Portable heaters are a hassle, and they won’t protect your pipes or, of course, keep the whole house warm as you deserve. However, you may not need to be using your central heating as much as you are right now.

That doesn’t mean you should shut it off altogether. It just means taking the right steps to reduce usage, whether that’s moderating temperatures or watching the way it’s maintained. Here’s how you may currently be overworking your furnace.

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How Does a Gas Heating Ignition System Work?

Monday, December 18th, 2017

opening-furnace-cabinet-glovesWhen you hear the furnace power on, do you know exactly what goes on to bring that heat to you? You likely know the basics: that heat is generated by an ignition system and that a fan then blows heated air into your home.

While it’s not important to know too much more about the operation of your heating system—technicians can take care of most of what you need—it’s nice to know a thing or two about furnace operation so you know what to do when things go haywire.

Whether you have a standing gas pilot or an electronic ignition system, here are the very basics about how heat is generated. Contact our team for more information!

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Why HVAC Maintenance Is So Important

Monday, October 9th, 2017

vent-wall-whiteWhen we recommend maintenance for an air conditioner or heating system, we know that it’s an easy suggestion to dismiss. Unless something is seriously wrong with your system—if you cannot get any heat on a cold winter’s night—you might put off calling a technician, especially if things were working just fine last season. And yet, like maintenance for your car, routine air conditioning and heater maintenance is so important for repair prevention.

As HVAC specialists (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning specialists), we believe it is our duty to tell you why routine maintenance is so important. For more information, reach out to our team and schedule your heating maintenance service ASAP!

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Upgrade Your Home’s Thermostat and Start Saving

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

Thermostat-hand-settingThe thermostat you use to raise and lower the temperature of your home might work just fine. Thermostats often last decades without ever losing the ability to accurately sense temperature and make adjustments, but that doesn’t mean you have the right thermostat for your home or lifestyle.

Upgrading your home’s thermostat can help you save big, especially if you choose a smart Wi-Fi thermostat you can operate from the comfort of your couch, at the office, or while you’re on vacation!

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When You Join an AC Maintenance Program, You Save!

Monday, April 10th, 2017

AC-unit-money-pileDo you feel ready for the warm weather ahead? You might not have your summer wardrobe all picked out, but when you join a maintenance program, your home air conditioning system is all set.

We recommend air conditioning maintenance once a year, no matter how old a comfort system is, in order to maintain the efficiency and performance of an AC unit. And the easiest way to schedule this service is by joining an AC maintenance program. Learn about how this works and how it helps you save below, and call our team to learn more about our maintenance program in Lockport, IL.

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4 Facts to Know about Your Boiler

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

radiator-relaxing-boilerBoilers provide a comforting heat that other heating systems simply cannot match. Heat radiates out into a room, rather than moving through ductwork and vents in a home, as hot water allows for easy, reliable heat transfer.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding boilers and their associated components: underfloor heating systems, radiators, and baseboard heaters. As experienced heating technicians, we hear a lot of misconceptions every day, and we feel it’s our job to clear them up. Read on to learn what we think any boiler owner should know, and call our team for boilers in Lockport, IL.

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What Is the Efficiency of My Heating Equipment?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Sometimes, when homeowners are concerned about their utility bills, we get questions about how their heating equipment may be contributing. It’s a safe assumption; we often encourage people to keep an eye on their bills because heating systems take up a large portion of your monthly utilities. Higher-than-usual bills could be a sign of a problem within the system.

We also get questions about the heating efficiency of their furnaces. Many people wonder whether their heaters are simply not efficient enough and if they are simply stuck with these high bills. Below, we’ll show you how to tell what efficiency rating your heater has, but we also explain that efficiency isn’t everything.

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3 Ways to Save on Comfort in the New Year

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Looking for more ways to save money in the new year? We want to help with your New Year’s resolutions and help you become more financially stable. That may require an investment on your part, but it’s worth it in the long run!

Your heating and air conditioning systems can account for about half of your monthly bills. Yikes! Make them run more efficiently in 2o17. Consider these comfort upgrades!

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