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SEER2 Changes in 2023 to Impact HVAC Customers


Here at Johansen and Anderson Inc, we value our customers. This is why we want to ensure that you are always informed of changes in the HVAC industry that may have an impact on your budget and your comfort. With that, it’s important that we inform you of an impending law change and its deadline. 

Beginning January 1, 2023, the minimum efficiency standards–SEER2 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating)–will be much higher than it is now. This change is being implemented by the US Department of Energy, and it will dramatically impact the costs to purchase and install new total comfort systems like air conditioners and heat pumps

What This Means For You

Today, we’re permitted to sell and install 13 SEER equipment throughout our region, but beginning on January 1st, these units will begin being phased out, and once we’ve sold our remaining 13 SEER stock, we’ll only be able to sell and install super high-efficiency, newer models, at much higher costs than today’s equipment. 

This new equipment will be rated as “M 1 SEER 2” and consumers can expect about a 15-20% price increase on equipment. Some new models may see higher price increases.

It’s anticipated that there will be continued equipment shortages due to continued supply chain restrictions as well, for the next 6-8 months, which will lead to further price increases in the market. This is expected to impact heat pump purchases, primarily, with an anticipated rebate program increasing demand but not supply. 

The Good News

First, we do provide financing options. An HVAC system is already a large investment, and we’re here to help you adjust to these changes in equipment costs. 

Secondly, a higher efficiency system benefits you, the consumer. The higher the efficiency rating, the better your air conditioning system or heat pump is converting energy into cooling power. By using less energy, over time you’ll see savings on your utility bills. The long-term effects of this change will be advantageous, but you may be wondering what you can do now. 

Take Action Now

Acting now helps you beat the price increases! Whether you’ve been considering a new AC or heat pump already, your current system needs repair, or it’s been quite a while since you’ve had maintenance, the time to take action is now. 

Replacing Your System: If your air conditioner or heat pump is over 10 years old, it means you’ll likely benefit from replacing it within the next couple of years anyway. The average well-maintained system should last about 10-15 years, and beyond this point will start requiring more frequent repair needs and won’t work as efficiently as it once did, no matter what SEER rating it started with. 

Maintaining Your System: Annual performance maintenance from our professionals helps your current system work as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. If you have a year-round heat pump system, then maintenance should be done every 6 months. Maintenance tune-ups prevent up to 85% of repairs, help your system maintain about 95% of its original efficiency rating, and prolong the system’s lifetime. 

Repairing Your System: If you have a newer system that’s not near time to replace yet, but may have some wear and tear that needs attention, now is the time to give it that attention. Addressing small repair needs right away will help you avoid bigger repair needs later on. 
If you have any questions about the SEER2 changes, or if you’re ready to schedule service, please don’t hesitate to contact Johansen and Anderson, Inc. Call J&A Today, Sleep-Tight Tonight!

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