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How to Change Your Heater’s Filter: A Step by Step Guide

hand-drawing-check-box-transparent-backgroundIf you’re preparing for the cold weather that’s on its way, then you’re already on the right track. We encourage you to consult with a professional. Professionals are the only ones who can provide you with high-quality service that’s sure to help your heater last. While this is a great measure and we encourage it, we don’t want you to overlook your part in prepping your heating services.

You’re going to need to do your part when it comes to your HVAC in Orland Park, IL. One thing we want you to do this winter is to change your heater’s filter. Your filter is vital and it’s going to help you stay quite warm this winter. Let’s talk about all the details below. 

The Importance of Your Heater’s Filter

We like to take a moment to explain the importance of your heater’s filter. Your heater’s filter is different than any type of filter that’s involved with your indoor air quality. Your heater’s filter is in charge of keeping the system clean so that it can perform well. Throughout the season, your heater’s filter will pick up dust, small particles floating around your home, and other debris. This is why it’s important to switch it out at the top of every season.

How to Change the Filter

Now, let’s actually change that filter! Here’s what you need to…

  1. Turn off your heater.
  2. Locate your service panel. Remove the cover.
  3. Slide out the existing filter that you have in your furnace. 
  4. Take your new filter and slide it into this place.
  5. Turn the furnace back on and run it!

The process should be pretty simple, but we understand that you might run into issues when you’re working with your heater individually. If you are, then we want you to call our professionals. We can even help you through the process over the phone. 

Other Ways to Prepare Your Heater for Winter

Are you wondering if there are other ways to get your heater prepared for the winter season? Here are a few.

Get Out of Your Own Way

Make sure that you don’t have furniture sitting in front of any of your vents. If you have a bookshelf, couch, or even a poster in front of one of your vents, you’re not going to be able to get warm with ease.

Use Lighting to Your Advantage

It’s a great idea to open up your blinds or curtains to let in light. Even a little light can help you raise the internal temperature of your home by a few degrees. It will help you with keeping warm. 

Make Sure Your Indoor Air Quality Is in Good Shape

As long as we’re talking about filters, we should discuss air filters. Your indoor air quality is important because it’s going to affect the overall comfort of your home this winter. For example, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get warm enough without the right humidity balance. This is something we can help you with.

Contact Johansen & Anderson Inc for your heating services. Call J&A today, sleep-tight tonight.

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