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Could Your Furnace Use a Tune-Up?

furnace-technician-serviceYour heating system is working just fine, for the most part. When you set the temperature on the thermostat, the furnace turns on and heat comes out of the vents. What more could you ask for? And why would you feel the need to schedule service for a furnace that is, for the most part, running smoothly?

However, furnaces should receive one service every year, even if they appear to be running properly. This service is a tune-up, and it’s the best way to ensure your furnace is there when you need it to work properly. Could your furnace be in need of this service?

How a Tune-Up Works

Annual furnace maintenance, or a furnace tune-up, is a way to restore the performance of your heater to near-factory condition. Technicians show up to your home with a checklist of tasks to be completed. Most of these will be inspection tasks: checking the condition of the motors, testing electrical connections, ensuring the safety of ignition systems. In the end, they’ll let you know if any components are close to failing so you can schedule an appointment.

However, they will also fine-tune the system as much as they can during their appointment. The blower motor may be cleaned and lubricated, connections tightened, along with any other steps that can help improve the performance of your system.

Why Not Wait?

Can you imagine getting stuck without any heating when you need it most? That’s what can happen when your furnace doesn’t have the care it needs. Tune-ups reduce the chances that your furnace will break down suddenly when you need it, getting repairs out of the way before they turn into something big. It can also help with…

  • Lowering your energy and fuel costs—furnaces that receive regular tune-ups can maintain up to 95% efficiency over the course of their lifespans
  • Reducing the number of repairs you make through the years
  • Keeping your furnace lasting for longer

All of these are excellent reasons to get maintenance to protect your furnace. And the sooner you take care of this, the better. Don’t wait for your furnace to break down before calling for service.

When’s the Right Time?

Typically, we recommend heating maintenance services before the heating season begins, say in the fall. However, in this area, we use our furnaces well into the spring, and it’s an annoying time to have to deal with sudden repairs. If you have not yet scheduled service for your heating system by this time, we recommend it.

The wrong time to schedule maintenance is after you notice problems with your furnace. A significant drop in temperatures, an odd noise from the system, or any other problem requires repair, not routine maintenance. The tune-up is meant to prevent these kinds of things from happening, to make your home life a little less hectic.

If you need furnace repair in Frankfort, IL, don’t trust just anyone for the job. Johansen & Anderson Inc can handle HVAC services safely and with the expertise you need. We also offer an excellent maintenance program to prevent repairs in the first place. Contact us today!

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