Johansen & Anderson Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

What Maintenance Does for You

Monday, December 28th, 2020

The word that’s on the tips of everyone’s tongues during this time of year is “maintenance.” It’s something that any HVAC contractor is going to encourage you to do if you’re talking to them during the fall or early winter season. If you’ve heard the word “maintenance” constantly but you’re still unsure if you should schedule an appointment for maintenance, we’re here to sway you in the right direction today.

We have an amazing residential maintenance program at our company. If you’re on the fence about maintenance, enrolling in our program will make things as easy as possible for you. We’re going to get into our maintenance services below…

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1 Simple Way to Help Your Heater

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Intelligent home automation system: controlling house temperature with a multimedia touch screen display, mounted on an apartment wall and wireless connected to a main computer unit. Intelligent system for energy saving, climate control and environmental conservation. Temperature is expressed in Fahrenheit degrees (see more images from my portfolio for other units). Shows thermometer, warm and cold air conditioning icons, relative humidity and current temperature.If you want to improve the health of your heater, there are actually a few simple ways to do it. You can start with changing your heater’s filter, try scheduling an appointment for maintenance, or even consider adopting an indoor air quality system into your set-up. Have you already checked all these boxes? Are you still longing for something more? Then this is where considering a thermostat upgrade comes in.

We work with both Wi-Fi and smart thermostats in Joliet, IL. If you can’t decide between either model, you don’t know what brand to choose from, or if you’re not even sure if you should upgrade, then our professionals are the ones to call. Our heating and air conditioning technicians are the embodiment of “expertise.” We can help you find exactly what you need.

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What’s Wrong with My Furnace?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Heating_iStock_000008099675_Large_800x533Staying warm in Illinois is definitely a task during this part of the year, but it shouldn’t feel like a drag. If you feel like your furnace isn’t working the way you want it to, you need to schedule an appointment for your furnace in Orland Park, IL.

Make sure that you’re staying on top of your furnace system. You know that you’re going to need this unit more often than ever. You shouldn’t ever neglect your furnace system, but especially not during this time of the year. Come to us when you want quality furnace work for your home.

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Is It Time for a New Heater?

Monday, November 16th, 2020

If your home’s heating system leaves a lot to be desired, then it might be time for you to improve your heating in New Lenox, IL.

If a chilly-young-manreplacement is necessary for your residential heater, we don’t want you to stress out about it. We understand that looking for a new heater can be a stressful process. It can be a big strain on your time, money, and energy. We’re here to walk you through everything when you need guidance.

We pride ourselves on being local professionals. This means that you can get the right care from our team members. We understand exactly what you need to make it through a Lenox winter.

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This Is a Significant Furnace Issue

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Heating_iStock_000008099675_Large_800x533Winter is here. It’s harder and harder for you to get out of your warm, cozy bed in the morning, you’re ordering the pumpkin spice version of your favorite coffee, and you’re pulling out all of your warmest, fuzziest outerwear to keep you warm. While this is all good and well, we want you to consider your home’s furnace services too.

If you’d like to schedule an appointment for furnace repair in New Lenox, IL, then we’re right here waiting for you. We’re going to ensure that you have the best furnace work around. We want to help you get all the warmth you need from your furnace this winter. You can get the best furnace service from our professionals.

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Let’s Handle That Heating Problem

Monday, October 19th, 2020

Last year’s winter season came and went fast. You had a little heating problem, but it was nothing that you couldn’t get through the heating season with, right? Well, up until fall came back around this year you thought you got away with it. The right amount of chill in the air has uncovered the fact that you can’t run from your heating problems. Don’t fret though. That’s why we’re here.

We specialize in furnace repair in Joliet, IL. If you’d like to handle the heating problem you’re currently dealing with, we’re going to make sure that it’s done fast. We don’t want you to waste another second tussling with a system that isn’t going to do you justice. You need the best heating possible in Joliet.

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Out with the Old, In with the New: Is It Time for a New Furnace?

Monday, February 24th, 2020

inside-a-gas-furnaceWe’re a little far out from the new year now, but you should still keep the idea of leaving behind what doesn’t service you close to your heart. Hopefully, you’ve made some necessary changes and you’ve stuck to your resolutions. A lot of the time, the improvements people want to make are personal, but we want to bring attention to your home. Today, we want to bring you a suggestion to improve your home comfort: schedule an appointment for furnace service in Bolingbrook, IL.

We know that the process of furnace replacement doesn’t seem like it’s a treat, but we’re going to make sure you get the service you need. Our professionals are well-versed in what you need because they are local, seasoned professionals. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

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How to Avoid Heating Repair this Season

Monday, February 10th, 2020

thermostat-controlJust because it’s winter and you need to use your heater doesn’t mean that you need to run the system into the ground. It’s fine if you’re using your heater more than you usually would now. This is to be expected after all, since it’s so cold here during this time of year. What we want to make you aware of is that there’s a fine line between running your heater often and running your heater irresponsibly. You might not think of turning on your heater as something that can be defined as “right” or “wrong,” and it really isn’t this black and white. But there are some best practices for you to keep in mind.

We’re going to give you all the knowledge you need to avoid furnace repair in Bolingbrook, IL. But if you do find that you’re a little past the point of putting these tips to use, you can get in touch with us for the service you need.

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5 Signs That Your Heater Is on the Decline

Monday, January 27th, 2020

hand-drawing-check-box-transparent-backgroundIt’s been cold here in Orland Park for the last few weeks. If your heater isn’t up to the task of warming your house, you’ve definitely noticed by now. We’re at that time of year where you might think you can just tough it out for a few more months and then handle the problems you’re facing once the temperatures warm up in spring. A lot of people try to do this so they won’t have to deal with heating problems while they still need their heater.

We understand this logic, but we wouldn’t recommend putting off any present heating problems. Instead, it’s best to schedule an appointment with our team of professionals as soon as possible. We specialize in heating in Orland Park, IL. We’ll get you the service need.

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When to Call for Heat Exchanger Service

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Heating_iStock_000008099675_Large_800x533If you’re like the vast majority of homeowners here, then we know you’re relying on a furnace for your heating. We’re not here today to bash your furnace system. We stand by furnaces and think they’re an amazing way to heat a home. Although furnaces are a reliable heating method, it doesn’t mean that they’re foolproof. If you’re noticing problems with your heating system, then it might be time for you to call our professionals for heating repair in Orland Park, IL.

Your heating repair is important. You need to make sure that you have the best professionals possible for the work that you need. A heating repair system is going to help you save energy, lower your heating costs, and help your heater last long into the future. Make sure that you schedule an appointment with the professionals on our team.

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