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One Way to Get Better AC this Summer

studio-shot-of-a-smart-thermostatWe’re heading toward the end of summer now so it’s time to take a moment to reflect: are you happy with your air conditioning system? If you’re lucky, you’ll give this answer a resounding “yes” without much of a second thought. If you’re like many homeowners in the Greater Joliet Area though, your mind will wander to all those weird things your air conditioner has been doing lately.

It’s time to call a professional if you struggle to get your air conditioner to perform the way you need it to. Don’t stress out! We’re not going to suggest that you get rid of the entire system prematurely. Instead, we’re going to upgrade your air conditioning in Bolingbrook, IL with one simple change. Keep reading below to learn more…

A Simple Way to Boost Your AC

There’s a pretty simple way for you to boost your air conditioning system this summer. You don’t have to get rid of your current system for a new one, or even contact us for extensive repair services. You can just upgrade your thermostat system.

We’re sure you’ve heard of smart thermostats before because “smart” devices of all kinds are on the tips of everyone’s tongue lately. We’re sure that you have a smartphone and you might even have a smart TV, smart tablet, or smart watch. You know how each of these devices can help make your life easier. A smart thermostat system can work in the same way.

What’s a Smart Thermostat?

So first things first, let’s talk about what a smart thermostat is. Your smart thermostat system has two jobs—to monitor the temperature in the area and turn the climate control system on or off according to the programmed settings, switch, or dial. A smart thermostat does all the standard things that any other thermostat would do with a few added perks.

A smart thermostat system is able to “learn” how you like to cool and heat your home over time. After the first couple of weeks, your thermostat will take note of when you like to turn your air conditioner on, when you like to turn it off, your preferred cooling temperatures, and it allows you to monitor or control the temperature from any Wi-Fi-compatible device.

Why You Should Upgrade

So all that sounds great. But why should you upgrade?

  • Better AC: Let’s start with our titular reason for upgrading—you should upgrade your thermostat system because it will give you better air conditioning quality this summer! Upgrading your thermostat will help you get a greater amount of control on your air conditioning system. You won’t have to waste any time, energy, or money trying to run your AC system.
  • Cost Savings: One of the best features of a smart thermostat system is that it can prompt you to run your air conditioner in a better fashion. Most smart thermostat systems will help you run your air conditioner in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.
  • Remote Control: Smart thermostats have a Wi-Fi capability which means that you can turn on your air conditioner from any electronic device with Wi-Fi functions.

Contact Johansen & Anderson Inc today to schedule an appointment to upgrade your thermostat.

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