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4 Ways to Make Your Home’s Air Conditioner More Effective

air-conditioning-unit-outdoorsIf you have a central air conditioning system, you probably can’t imagine summers without it. It’s a major investment, but one that makes your life a lot easier throughout the hottest months, and that’s why it’s so frustrating when the AC doesn’t work quite as well as you’d expect.

There may be something you can do to improve the performance and efficiency of your central air conditioner. You can feel more comfortable and lower your monthly bills, which may require a small change to your habits or a major system overhaul.

Set the Thermostat Properly

Knowing how to set the thermostat the right way can make a major difference in how comfortable you feel and how well the air conditioner works throughout the spring and summer seasons. Reduce wear and tear by setting the thermostat to an efficient temperature that won’t break the bank. If you turn the temperature all the way down to the 50°s or 60°s, it won’t actually cool the home down faster; it will only wear down the AC unit. Instead…

  • Set the thermostat to an efficient temperature like 78° when you are home
  • Raise the temperature by 10° or so when you are not home.
  • Keep the air conditioner in cooling mode, and don’t turn the fan mode on when the air conditioner is not in use. A fan alone cannot cool down your home, and will only waste energy and wear down the AC unit.

Get a Dehumidifier

High levels of humidity can have a major impact on how comfortable you feel, and you may turn down the thermostat settings to compensate (which affects the way your AC runs). When there is water vapor in the air, sweat cannot evaporate from your body, making it difficult to stay cool.

An air conditioner is a dehumidifier but it uses a lot of energy to do so. That’s why you should upgrade to a whole-home dehumidifier that works along with your AC equipment, and may allow you to shut off your air conditioner more often since you’ll feel cooler.

Repair the Ducts

The air ducts are the pathway through which air travels to the rooms of your home. They don’t really have any moving parts, but that doesn’t mean they’re infallible. Actually, problems with the ducts are incredibly common, and you most likely have some level of air leakage from the ducts—up to 30% in most homes. Repairing the ducts keeps air where it belongs, potentially improving efficiency in a major way and keeping air moving straight into your living space.

Schedule Routine Service for Your AC

No matter the condition of your air conditioning system, scheduling service can help to keep things running smoothly. Routine air conditioning maintenance should take place in the spring, before you really need cool air full time. A technician provides a tune-up, which includes many specific steps to help improve the unit.

  • An inspection of the entire system, including checking the voltage.
  • Adjustments of some major parts, like lubricating motors or adjusting the fan belt.
  • Cleaning components like the blower fan and the outside coil.

Contact Johansen & Anderson Inc for air conditioning service in Lockport, IL.

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