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4 Things to Do Before You Start Up Your Air Conditioner

AC-outdoor-unit-toolsBefore your air conditioner starts up again for the heat of the spring and summer sun, you may want to give your comfort system some extra thought. Your air conditioning system won’t run perfectly forever. But if you intervene, you may be able to help keep your unit in better shape, and you could save money and stress later on. Here are a few things we think any homeowner with a central air conditioner in Joliet, IL should do before the season is in full swing.

Test Your Dehumidifier

If you have a dehumidifier installed in your air conditioning system, you know that it makes the summer season a whole lot easier. High levels of humidity can be killer when the weather is warm. It makes the air feel warmer than it is, and that’s because high levels of moisture in the air make it difficult for moisture on your skin to evaporate.

If you have a humidifier in your ducts that you run in the winter, it’s so important to make sure this is turned off before the weather warms up any more. Run your dehumidifier to be sure it starts up before you’ll need it. A dehumidifier can save you a lot of money on cooling, allowing you to stay comfortable at a fraction of the cost. Ask your technician if you’re interested in a dehumidifier installation.

Repair the Ducts

The ductwork in your home may be full of leaks and cracks that keep your air conditioner from performing the way it’s supposed to. As air leaks through the ducts and into the attic and crawlspaces throughout the house, it doesn’t move directly into the home. This costs more and forces your air conditioner to run for longer.

Before summer arrives, call technicians to test and seal your ducts. Most ducts in the US are leaky, resulting in an average of a about 30% of air and energy lost from an HVAC system.

Buy a New Thermostat

Invest in a new Wi-Fi thermostat to get the most out of your air conditioner in the spring and summertime. Your current thermostat may be working alright. But that doesn’t mean that it’s doing the best it can in terms of efficiency.

The best thermostats on the market today use Wi-Fi controls so that you can monitor them remotely. You can check and reset the temperature of your home right from an application on your smartphone. That means you won’t have to worry about leaving the AC on all day by accident, and you can track energy use to save money throughout the season.

Join Our Comfort Club

Our Comfort Club is one of the best ways to save on cooling and keep your air conditioner in good shape all summer long. Many companies offer maintenance plans, a program that requires monthly or annual payments in return for 1-2 maintenance visits per year for your air conditioning and heating equipment. And regular maintenance helps your air conditioner to run more smoothly and efficiently.

Only our Comfort Club maintenance program offers you exclusive benefits you won’t find from other HVAC companies in the area. You get a 15% savings on repairs throughout the year, priority emergency service, and much more. Call our team for details.

For air conditioning in Joliet, IL, contact the experts at Johansen & Anderson Inc.

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