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The Many Benefits of AC Maintenance


Your air conditioner is a complex and delicate piece of equipment. It has many components, each doing separate and critical jobs that come together to create the cool air that you require in your home during the summer. And those components work hard for months, and then sit unused and gathering dust for months before being asked to start working hard again.

Your air conditioner requires maintenance! It deserves some pampering and preparation for this summer’s demand for cooling. What exactly does AC maintenance accomplish? What are the benefits? We’re so glad you asked! We’ll tell you all about it.

Increased Efficiency

All that hard work means wear and tear. And all those months sitting and waiting for the heat to arrive again allow a lot of dust and grime to accumulate. These things will decrease your air conditioner’s efficiency by approximately 5% each year, causing you to pay more every time your electric bill comes due. But annual maintenance will restore that efficiency. 

Improved Effectiveness

In addition to inefficiency, ineffective performance will gradually develop thanks to the cycle of use and disuse your air conditioner goes through. When your AC technician cleans and lubricates your air conditioner’s components, not only will efficiency improve, your comfort will improve, too. It will be easier for your air conditioner to keep your whole home evenly, consistently cool.

Less-Frequent Repairs

An air conditioner that never receives maintenance will require a lot of repairs. With annual maintenance, those repairs can be cut by as much as 80%! Partly, it’s because wear and tear and system strain are dramatically reduced by the cleaning and lubrication. But it’s also because your technician will inspect and test each component in your system, catching any tiny concerns before they turn into big problems.

Longer System Life

When your system isn’t being continually strained by lack of airflow, lack of lubrication, dirt, and grime in its inner workings, and minor problems like slight misalignments or miscalibrations, your compressor won’t have to work as hard. And when your compressor experiences less strain, your air conditioner will last longer and keep you cool for many more summers.

Warranty Compliance

A warranty is an agreement that requires the manufacturer to pay for certain replacement parts or repairs. For example, if a component fails early because of a manufacturing fault, the AC company might pay to replace it. But there are stipulations in warranty agreements, and almost every AC warranty requires that the system receive professional maintenance every year.

Peace of Mind

Finally, if you know all of these things and still don’t schedule AC maintenance, you’ll worry about it. You’ll be waiting for the day when your air conditioner has a problem. Yet the problem will still come up unexpectedly, often at a very inconvenient time, probably during a heat wave because that’s when the air conditioner must work hardest. Don’t cause yourself worry! Get maintenance and have peace of mind.

If you’re ready to schedule maintenance, or if you have any questions about that or any other HVAC service in Plainfield, IL, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Call J&A today, Sleep-tight tonight!

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